Fighter’s Mega Books Interview

Fighters Mega Books Interview image. It features an image of Game director Hiroshi Kataoka crouching against a wall with the text "From Brains..." next to him, which acts as the title of the interview.

“I fundamentally believe that there should be home ports of arcade games. If possible, I’d like to make them games that can be played for long spans of time.” – Hiroshi Kataoka, Fighters Megamix Director

Darius in 1987: An Account by Zenji Ishii of Gamest

Former Gamest editor Zenji Ishii posing for a photo that appeared in his interview in the D30 fanzine, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Darius.

“It’s a game where you can really immerse yourself in the world…I find it challenging to articulate my feelings well. Whether in words or writing, expressing how amazing this game is can be difficult for me.” – Zenji Ishii, Editor at Gamest magazine

Road to Saitama Super Arena

Arino and Salome

“I normally just do all that stuff without thinking about it, but people now are full of all sorts of questions: ‘Why is Takahashi Meijin not wearing a shirt? Why does riding on a skateboard actually put him at a disadvantage?'” – Shinya Arino

Interview with Tsuyoshi Kan (GCCX Producer)

Tsuyoshi Kan Interview - Featured Image (Birthday Cake)

“The biggest pain point for the challenges has been using technology to make it so that only a camera and the director are in the room with Arino. Even the AD is remote. And doing those segments in a completely empty room is challenging because Arino is a comedian, after all.” – Tsuyoshi Kan, GCCX Producer