ゲームは変わった/The Game Has Changed

MGS 4 Image

I just finished Metal Gear Solid 4 in preparation for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. I had heard all sorts of opinions on the game, from it being the finest Metal Gear game ever created to it being the most ridiculous and over the top…

Sakura Taisen

Sakura Taisen title Screen

With this star-studded team, it’s no surprise that Sakura Taisen would go on to become one of the best selling original Saturn games of all time. Its success had less to do with the talents of each individual involved though, and more to do with the the strong core concepts of the game and how everything came together into one fantastic package.


Ys Famicom Title Screen

…the Famicom port is not considered to be of very high quality when compared to all of the other Ys ports.

Choujikuu Yousai Macross

Macross Famicom Title Screen

While this first entry in the Macross game franchise isn’t a bad game, it’s just not very interesting or fun. And it’s definitely not as notable as some of the other entries yet to come.